Donate and make a difference in Ukraine

We help people and communities in Ukraine to flourish through projects for Kids & Youth, Psychosocial Resilience, Livelihood Support, and Team Building.


Donate and make a difference in Ukraine

Donate and make a difference in Ukraine

Donate and make a difference in Ukraine

Donate via bank transfer

Your donation makes the difference! Thank you very much for your contribution.

Donors who pay tax in the Netherlands can deduct donations from income or corporate taxes.

These are our bank details:

Account holder: Stichting Our Daily Bread

IBAN: NL48 INGB 0009 2278 33

Bank: ING Bank NV, Bijlmerdreef 98, 1102 CT Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Our Daily Bread has Dutch charitable (ANBI) status.
Our RSIN (tax identification number) is 861256761.

Donate while you shop online

You can donate to Our Daily Bread while shopping online.

Via DoelShop (website in Dutch) you can select Our Daily Bread as the cause and shop at affiliated web shops. These shops will donate a proportion of the amount you spend.

It costs you nothing extra, the web shop you use pays the  donation!

Our Daily Bread has Dutch charitable (ANBI) status.
Our RSIN (fiscal identification number) is 861256761. Donors who pay tax in the Netherlands can deduct donations from income or corporate tax.


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