Drops of Hope

In our Drops of Hope programme, Our Daily Bread focuses on boosting the resilience of vulnerable people and communities in this wartime period. Why? Because resilient people and communities can overcome adversity and find the strength they need to rebuild their part of Ukraine during and after the war.

Drops of Hope are local projects run by our partners to support specific groups of vulnerable people. Our partners provide them with the practical help they need. But they also enable them to deal with their fears and anxieties, take initiative and care for each other.


A Drops of Hope project needs to meet four funding criteria: 

– The project focuses on a specific group of people in a vulnerable situation and has a flywheel effect;

– The partner supports this group on a longer-term basis and builds up relationships with the people supported;

– The partner enables people in the group to stand on their own two feet and to help others;

– The partner works with at least one other party, as that encourages constructive collaboration and helps to strengthen the wider community.

Due to the very dynamic situation in Ukraine, Drops of Hope projects can evolve or be ended in response to the changing needs of the local population.

The projects fall under four themes:

Kids & Youth

Psychosocial resilience

Livelihood support

Team building

Click here for current Drops of Hope projects 


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