Pre-war projects


The table below provides an overview of the projects funded by Our Daily Bread and their current status.


Project description

Current status

Bakhmut Renovation rehabilitation centre for alcoholics The refurbished centre had been in use for over a year when the war broke out. It was evacuated in March 2022. The fate of the building is as yet unknown.
Bakhmut Temporary support pastor Olekseii (June to Dec 2020) until he found other donors Olekseii established an older peoples’ home in Siversk (town near Bakhmut) in 2021. The residents were evacuated to western Ukraine in April 2022. Olekseii and his team now care for over 25 older people.
Bakhmut Resilience fund to help unemployed people This project ran until the full-scale war broke out. Several people did voluntary work to gain work experience and received a small allowance in return.
Bakhmut Small-scale farm in the village of Novoluhanske to fund humanitarian and community work of the local church The farm was destroyed together with most other buildings in the village. Most residents have now fled the village.
Bakhmut Animal feed initiative – produce animal feed at rehabilitation centre. The aim was to provide clients with work experience, raise funds for the centre and provide cheap and good quality feed for local farmers. The project was in the pilot stage when the war broke out. The fate of the building and the equipment is as yet unknown.
Sumy The community centre building was an unfinished shell. We funded the completion of the ground floor so that it could be used for youth, family and community activities. The centre was not damaged when Russian troops occupied the area. As the area around the centre was left full of landmines, its use is now limited. Even so, occasional activities for adults can still be organised there.


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